
The science of gemology is the study of the gemstone and gem materials and the use of these aspects for identification purposes. Over 2000 years, philosophers and scientist have been captivated by the beautyand the enigma gems have been intrigued humans for at least 2000 years. First these stones were used for making jewellery purpose including Rock crystal, Garnet, Jade, Amethyst, Citrin, Topaz, Lapiz Lazuli, Amber, Coral, Pearl, Emerald, Serpentine and Turquoise. These stones were reserved for wealthy and served as status symbols. Rulers sealed documents with their jewel-encrusted seals. Such treasure can now be admired at many museums and treasure-volts.

Today, gemstones are worn not only to demonstrate wealth and status symbolism but also for astrological purpose. In astrology nine planets symbolize nine different gemstones respectively i.e. Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Blue & Yellow Sapphire, Crysoberyl, Hassonite, Coral, Pearl  and its natural simulants.

Gemstone are widely used in India for astrological purposes. People from all fields like minister to farmer has a well faith in NABAGRAHA stones.

There are many stories often surrounded to many gemstones. People believe that some gemstones made them richer or changed their freight. On the other hand some may cause for their downfall.

A gemologist has no major knowledge about on astrology therefore a discussion about gems in respect of astrologist irrelevant.

Nowadays, we can assure the general public about the fact of that there are various type of simulants and synthetic stones available in the market which haven’t any astrological as well as commercial value. Therefore it is needed to be check before buying where It is natural, simulants or synthetic.

In addition color enhancements being done to most of the gemstones by heat, irradiation, dye etc. This is important that one must be careful before buying a gemstone because in many case a deeper color gemstone which has a better value, is being fading away in one or two months. So, one has to be very careful on purchasing.

Value of gemstone always depend upon its beauty of color, clarity, Cut and Carat (weight).